Energy drinks are readily available at virtually all retail stores that sell food or drinks. From gas stations to check outs at grocery stores, if you need an energy kick you won't have a problem finding it. So why are energy drinks so easily available and why do people drink them so much? Well the answer is simple. They are available because people buy them and people buy them to keep up with the hectic American lifestyle.
In a recent focus group that I conducted at Brigham Young University, most students drink energy drinks just to have enough energy to get through the day. When asked about what kinds of negative health affects they were familiar with they stated they had little or no knowledge about what high caffeine consumption can do to you. And that's not all. Participants were told that if they drink 3 energy drinks per week they are spending over $270 a month on energy drinks. When we asked these college students if money would be a motivating factor to forgo drinking energy drinks, they all said no.
So what would motivate people to change their ways?? Would it be scare tactics warning about the health hazards associated with energy drinks? Or would consumers have to fit more sleep into their schedules? Whatever it may be it is obvious that consumers need to become more educated and responsible for their own health.
Here are some interesting comparisons that I found from this website.
I can't believe that it would cost $270 per month for a 3 per week energy drink habit. That amount is almost the same as a month of rent!